Best Ddos Protection

A DDoS attack is a distributed denial-of service attack. As a result of this type of attack, the attacked network resource receives an avalanche number of requests that it does not have time to process. The source of malicious requests is the so-called zombie networks, which mostly consist of computers of ordinary users, for some reason infected with malware.

Why Is It Recommended to Use DDoS Protection?

Every year, various companies providing services in the field of information security and countering cyber-attacks record an increase in the number of DDoS attacks and their power. Periodic reports in the media about the unavailability of certain resources as a result of distributed denial-of-service attacks indicate the ineffectiveness of countermeasures to such attacks. Against the background of the above attacks, the number of attacks against leading IT corporations is also increasing to small, “medium” sites, which until recently were not of interest to cybercriminals.

Large DDoS attacks target government and government websites, sites of leading IT corporations Amazon, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc. These powerful corporations with huge resources cannot always cope with attacks and repel an attack.

However, at present, due to the increase in their importance and demand, interruptions in their work can be critical. At the same time, the motives that drive the attackers are changing, if earlier one could single out protest, hooliganism, etc. among the causes of DDoS attacks, today more and more DDoS attacks are the result of blackmail and a way of extorting money.

This transfers DDoS attacks from the plane of isolated protest actions to the area of criminal business, which is not limited to extortion but is also a tool of extremist and terrorist organizations. Today, attacks on government websites on the eve of elections or important political events have become a common situation around the world.

Mega as the Best DDoS Protection

The DDoS attack is an abbreviation of Distributed Denial of Service, a distributed denial-of service attack. Attacks of this type can quickly deplete network resources or server capacity, which will lead to the impossibility of gaining access to the resource and cause a series of negative consequences: lost profits, inability to use services and perform various transactions, etc.

In a DDoS attack, the attacker is a so-called botnet or zombie network. A zombie network can number from tens to thousands of hosts. Usually, these are neutral computers, which for some reason (lack of a firewall, outdated anti-virus databases, etc.) were infected with malware. Programs, running in the background, continuously send requests to the attacked server, thus bringing it out of action.

Mega developers position their service as one of the world’s most secure cloud storage with end-to-end data encryption. When a file is uploaded to the cloud, a special JavaScript code is executed in the browser that encrypts the data using the AES algorithm. The same thing happens when using desktop and mobile applications.

When downloading encrypted files, the user will need a special decryption key (password), which can only be obtained from the owner of the downloaded data. However, all this can be avoided if you disable the corresponding function in the settings of your personal account.

Mega storage is probably the most generous in terms of free disk space. 50 GB for any new user is a pretty big number. However, there is a limit on the amount of uploaded/downloaded data from one IP address – no more than 4 GB within 6 hours. Moreover, this rule applies even to those users who simply decided to download some material from the link provided on Mega.